Surf Flex, Second Edition: Fitness and Nutrition for the Ultimate Surfing Experience
Surfing is one of the most popular recreational sports in the United States. More than 5 million men and women regularly pick up surfboard and hit the waves. "Surf Flex: 2nd Edition" is the first book to address not only the fitness and conditioning requirements, but also the nutritional guidelines of this popular sport.
With contributions by leading surfers from around the world, "Surf Flex: 2nd Edition" includes sections on:
* Yoga-based pre-surfing and post-surfing stretches
* Over 30 recipes designed to enhance fitness and performance
* Cardio and strength conditioning
* Balance and coordination training
* Injury prevention
For beginning and advanced surfers alike, "Surf Flex: 2nd Edition" is sure to get you in top form to ride the waves!