Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology 7th Edition
Frederic Martini builds on his best-selling text by enhancing the award-winning art program, improving the clarity of the text, and adding an elegant, reader-friendly design to the Seventh Edition.
Every student package automatically includes Martinis Atlas of the Human Body, the A&P Applications Manual, theInterActive Physiology CD-ROM, the Anatomy 360 CD-ROM, and access to The Anatomy & Physiology Place companion website and MyA&P.
Get Ready for A&P
This hands-on workbook gets you up to speed with basic study skills, math skills, anatomical terminology, basic chemistry, cell biology, and other basics of the human body. Each topic area includes a pre-test, guided explanation, interactive quizzes and exercises, and end-of-chapter cumulative tests. The online component includes self-study quizzes, tutorials, animations, and additional resources for review.