Legendary science-fiction/fantasy artist Frank Frazetta created some of the
most memorable and iconic images of the 20th century. Now, for the first time,
read his life story written by his oldest son, Frank Frazetta, Jr. Filled with
insights, stories, and anecdotes, this full-color art monograph takes readers
behind the scenes to chronicle the events of this great artist’s life and
work. See as Frazetta develops his style and artistic sensibilities with
never-before-seen photos, memorabilia, sketches, drawings, paintings, and early
comic book work. This complete, comprehensive look at Frazetta’s life
creates a very personal, detailed portrait of the man who created legendary
images of Tarzan, Conan, John Carter of Mars, Buck Rogers, Vampirella, and
others too numerous to mention.
Frank Frazetta: Art and Remembrances is packed full of original
artwork from the author’s personal collection together with book covers,
record album artwork, movie posters, comic book and comic strip artwork, and
Visual artist(s): Frank Frazetta