New 7th Edition Now Available! College & Career Success will help students have a successful journey through college and into their career with positive academic and personal skills, as well as guidance for choosing a career that is right for their personality and interests. The 7th edition of College & Career Success features topics on college, career, and lifelong success. College & Career Success: * provides students with tools for motivation, positive thinking, learning positive behavior, persistence, and more! * features material on emotional intelligence. * Includes concepts from positive psychology to help students think positively about the future, clarify what happiness means to them, and work toward attaining happiness in life. * incorporates the latest research in psychology, education and neuroscience to provide students with practical strategies for improving memory and study skills. * summarizes results of the Do What You Are (DWYA) personality assessment and the MI Advantage assessment of multiple intelligences in an online career portfolio with links to the O*Net database of careers for career exploration. It includes Simply Hired, helping students find employment.
* helps students identify their vocational interests by integrating the Interest Profiler. * includes information on current career trends, the career decision making process, educational planning and researching career information and outlook. * contains updated job search strategies, including the concept of online personal branding and using social media and other online job search tools. * features the basics of writing a resume and cover letter as well as interviewing tips. * embraces the need for increasing math success. * has an interactive online edition, College and Career Success Online College & Career Success will enhance student learning through: * interactive activities. * frequent quizzes and answer keys. * journal entries. * individual and group exercises. * the College Success 1 website - key ideas, classroom activities to engage students in learning, videos, Internet links related to chapter content, and Word documents for journal entries. A Concise Version is available for 1- and 2-credit courses. College and Career Success - Concise