With Cutters Cavalry by Katherine Gibson Fougera From the memoirs of the late Katherine Gibson, widow of Captain Francis M. Gibson of the Seventh Cavalry, U. S. A. Retired . Illustrated with photographs. The Caxton Printers, Ltd Caldwell, Idaho 1940 General George Armstrong Ouster, in hunting costume. DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF ELIZABETH B. CTJSTER Acknowledgment I wish to express my appreciation to John Shanahan for so ably repro ducing, from faded originals, the photographs contained in this book. KATHEEINE GIBSON FOUGEEA Table of Contents Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT 6 Chapter I. BY TRAIN TO DAKOTA 13 II. FROM RAILHEAD TO FORT LINCOLN 36 IIL FIRST DAYS AT FORT LINCOLN 66 IV. THE OUSTERS 85 V. BIDING AND SHOOTING 91 VI. THE COMING OF THE RICE DETACHMENT 102 VII. SEWING BEES IN THE WILDERNESS 116 VIII. DAYS IN CAMP 126 IX. THE BUFFALO HUNT 144 X. FORT RICE 158 XI. BACK TO FORT ABRAHAM LINCOLN 173 XII. THE BLACK HILLS CAMPAIGN 181 XIII. A GARRISON WEDDING 188 XIV. SOUTHERN INTERLUDE 200 XV. BACK TO DAKOTA 213 XVI. CHRISTMAS ON THE PRAIRIE FRONTIER 237 XVII WINTER 1876 245 XVIII. THE CUSTER MASSACRE 263 List of Illustrations General George Armstrong Ouster, in hunting costume Frontispiece Facing Page Lieutenant Donald Mclntosh, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn 60 Colonel Samuel D. Sturgis, Seventh Cavalry 61 Lieutenant Benjamin H. Hodgson, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn 68 Captain Myles Moylan 69 A group of officers of the Seventh Cavalry 82 Lieutenant Charles Braden 83 Captain Thomas W. Custer, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn 88 Captain George W. Wallace, killed in action at the Battle of Wounded Knee 89 Lieutenant Francis M. Gibson 102 At camp on Big Creek 103Brevet Colonel Frederick W. Benteen 110 Lieutenant Edwin S. Godfrey, later a General Ill Lieutenant Charles A. Varnum, later a Colonel 117 Major Joel H. Elliott, killed at the Battle of the Washita 124 Captain Louis M. Hamilton, killed at the Battle of the Washita 125 10 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Captain Myles W. Keogh, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn .......................................................... 44 Lieutenant Winfield S. Edgerly, Seventh Cavalry, afterwards made General ..................................... Picture of Keoghs horse, Comanche Mrs. Donald Mclntosh ................................... - ......... ---- Bear Butte, near the Black Hills, South Dakota ...... 189 Lieutenant William W. Cook, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn .......................................... - ..... 272 Lieutenant James G. Sturgis, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn ............................................... - 272 Lieutenant Henry M. Harrington, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn .................................... 272 Captain George W. Yates, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn ................................................ .... 272 Lieutenant William Van Riley, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn ............................................. . 272 Lieutenant Algernon E. Smith, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn ................................. . ........ ...... 273 Lieutenant James Calhoun, killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn ............................................. ....... 273 Custer Battlefield, Hardin, Montana ..................... ....... 274 Picture of the gold watch fob taken from Lieu tenant Algernon Smithsbody .................... ....... ..... 275 Memorandum book taken from the body of Lieu tenant Mclntosh, showing bullet hole ......... - ..... ..... 277 Captain Francis M. Gibson and his two Lieuten ants, William Nicholson and George Cameron, General Cameron is still living ... ................. . ..... .... 278 Mrs. Francis M. Gibson and Baby Kate ..... ..... ........... . 279 Baby Kate Gibson, wearing a curl of General Custers 283 With Cutters Cavalry