This collection of carefully argued essays examines what American students should know about world affairs in the post-cold war era. The issues which are examined are those that will continue to be debated as our schools prepare for the next century. The authors probe the complex and sometimes contradictory claims of global, peace, multicultural, and citizenship education. They offer prescriptions for change based on a strong academic core of history, international relations, government, economics, and geography, with the presumption of values consistent with America's democratic ideals. Contents: Foreword, Chester E. Finn, Jr.; Introduction, John Fonte and Andre Ryerson; A Brief History of Pre-Collegiate Global and International Studies Education, Andrew Smith; Global Education and Controversy: Some Observations, Robert Fullinwider; Teaching About the World and Our Nation's Heritage: The Relationship Between International Education and Education for American Citizenship, John Fonte; Implications of the 'New Demographics' and the 'Information Explosion' for International Education, Herbert London; International Education: The Search for Subject, Gilbert T. Sewall; International Studies in the School Curriculum, Diane Ravitch; Geography's Role in International Education, Raymond English; China: Case-Study of Textbook Failures, Andre Ryerson; What American Students Should Know About the World, Owen Harris; Conclusion, John Fonte and Andre Ryerson; Bibliography; Addendum; Index.