In Celestial Nights, photographer Neil Folberg skillfully captures a spectacular worldof nocturnal landscapes where the horizon isnGCOt always definitive. The earth and heavensare mingled in this collection of arresting photographs, which to Folberg representa blurred division between present and eternity, substance and spirit, and knowledgeand imagination. As Folberg writes, GCGBPNo one can draw that line with precision, forwe exist in all of these worlds at once.GC[yen]Celestial Nights marks Folberg's return to black-and-white photography, atechnique he honed as a student and colleague of the late Ansel Adams. The volumepresents a set of photographs that capture not only the skies but also their earthly foreground,creating a striking juxtaposition of the vast arid wilderness with the infiniteand starry heavens. These stunning nighttime scenes feature the same historically andreligiously resonant region of the Middle East that Folberg captured in daytime colorin his first book, AbbevilleGCOs In a Desert Land.The landscapes in Celestial Nights carry an aura that is both earthly and divine.FolbergGCOs photographs describe places where the spiritual is at once near, imprinted inthe arid landscapes, and far away, in the dark, starlit recesses of space.
This extraordinaryphotographic collection is sure to fascinate anyone with an interest in photography,astronomy, or the Middle East.
Introduction by: Timothy Ferris