Logics in Artificial Intelligence : European Conference, JELIA 2002, Cosenza, Italy, September, 23-26, Proceedings
TheEuropeanConferenceonLogicsinAIprovidesamajorbiennialforumforthe discussion of logic-oriented approaches to arti?cial intelligence. Following pre- ous workshops held in France (1988), The Netherlands (1990), Germany (1992), England (1994), Portugal (1996), Germany (1998), and Spain (2000) the eighth conference was in Cosenza, Italy, September 23-26, 2002. The international level and the overall technical quality of this event is now well established. As a c- sequence, the Program Committee wished to explicitly mark JELIA 2002 as a milestone by promoting the event from a "Workshop" to a "Conference". Theaimwastobringtogetheractiveresearchersinterestedinallaspectsc- cerning the use of logics in arti?cial intelligence to discuss current research, - sults,problems,andapplicationsofboththeoreticalandpracticalnature. JELIA strived to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia, industry, and g- ernment, and between theoreticians and practitioners. ThetechnicalprogramofJELIA2002comprisedthreeinvitedtalksthatwere given by Georg Gottlob, Michael Gelfond, and Moshe Y.
Vardi and 41 refereed contributions selected by the Program Committee amongst more than 100 s- mittedpapers. Asapartofthetechnicalprogram,theconferencefeaturedas- cial session consisting of 11 system presentations. Finally, the program included three tutorials by V. S. Subrahamanian, Dino Pedreschi and Fosca Giannotti, and Gerald Pfeifer.