This DNP and PhD doctoral-level nursing text delivers analyses of 30 core concepts that define nursing theory, research, education, and professionalpractice. Grounded in the concept analysis framework developed by Walker and Avant, this book clearly demonstrates how concepts are used to build theory,support research, and improve education and professional practice. Designed to facilitate practical applications of concept analysis methodology, allchapters provide an explicit description of each concept and a consistent framework for its analysis. Additionally, a diagrammatic representation ofcharacteristics across concepts allows readers to make comparisons and ultimately to build on the text’s knowledge base.
Expert authors from clinical and research disciplines focus on the core of nursing—the nurse–patient relationship—grouping material into the categories ofpatient/client-focused concepts, career-focused concepts, and organizational/systems-focused concepts. Within these groups, the book addresses suchcontemporary themes as hope, postpartum depression, resilience, self-care, cultural competence, and many others. With its expansive descriptions andanalyses of key nursing concepts within a consistent framework, the book will help nurse scholars to develop a sophisticated analytic ability and providegraduate nursing students with a foundation for developing a DNP capstone or PhD research project.
Offers in-depth description and analyses of 30 core concepts relevant to nursing and related disciplines
Provides a consistent analytical framework throughout
Demonstrates a highly practical application of concept analysis methodology
Includes diagrams of characteristics across concepts for comparison
Authored by renowned scholars and practitioners