Praise for The Exterminators...
"An hysterical satire on politics, religion, Hollywood, and insects."
-Tim Dorsey, author of Electric Barracuda
All Bob Dillon ever wanted was a truck with a big fiberglass bug on the roof. All he had to do was survive a half dozen assassination attempts, pull a ten million dollar con on a Bolivian drug lord, and then fall off the face of the earth with his family and his new best friend, Klaus. Six years later, they've surfaced in Oregon where they are continuing to work on an all-natural means of pest control. Things go swimmingly until that Bolivian drug lord discovers he was conned: he offers twenty million to whomever kills Bob and Klaus. When some of the world's best assassins descend on Hollywood, the weirdness reaches an apocalyptic level....
Bill Fitzhugh is the award-winning author of eight satiric crime novels. The New York Times called him "a strange and deadly amalgam of screenwriter and comic novelist."