We are living in a time of resurgent global conflicts and imperialistic tensions—a time in which many children are being left behind by school systems that appear more concerned with developing accountability schemes and standardized models of testing than with defending the right of every child to have access to a good education. The efforts of countless teachers, activists, and families working and living in poor areas around the world are labeled as failures, entirely discredited on the basis of their expendability in relation to capital gains, or simply ignored. In response to these oppressive and challenging conditions, this book's contributors—a group of committed educators and activists working in an ethos of solidarity across geopolitical and geographical borders—have advanced arguments and strategies that link educational transformation to the larger struggle to transform oppressive social relations. In a clear attempt to move beyond both nostalgia and romanticism, Critical Theories, Radical Pedagogies, and Global Conflicts draws from a range of viewpoints-conceptual and thematic, transnational and crosscultural, First World and Third World—to articulate new directions for teachers and activists working to demonstrate that another education, and indeed, another world, is possible.
Contributions by: Mike Cole, Antonia Darder, Ramin Farahmandpur, Gustavo E. Fischman, Gustavo E. Fischman, Robert Fitzsimmons, Bernardo Gallegos, Henry Giroux, David Theo Goldberg, Rhonda Hammer, Dave Hill, Donna Houston, Douglas Kellner, Michele J. Knobel, Colin Lankshear, Peter Mayo, Peter Mayo, Michael A. Peters, Ludwig Pongratz, Laura Pulido, Erika Richter, Albert Scherr, Juha Suoranta, Tuukka Tomperi