Luck Egalitarianism Interpreted and Defended
Richard J. Arneson
Three Theories of Self-Governance
Michael E. Bratman
Reflections on an Argument from Luck
Randolph Clarke
Responsibility for Character
Andrew Eshleman
Internally Doing and Intentionally Not Doing
Carl Ginet
Irreplaceability and Unique Value
Christopher Grau
Freedom, Hedonism, and the Intrinsic Value of Lives
Ishtiyaque Haji
Determinism, Randomness, and Value
Noa Latham
Responsibility and Globally Manipulated Agents
Michael McKenna
The Illusion of Conscious Will and the Causation of Intentional Actions
Alfred R.Mele
Deliberative Alternatives
Dana Nelkin
Reasons Explanation and Agent Control: In Search of an Integrated Account
Timothy O’Connor and John Ross Churchill
Moral Accountability
Marina Oshana
Is Our Conception of Agent-Causation Coherent?
Derk Pereboom
Responsibility and the Condition of Moral Sense
Paul Russell
Ignorance and Blame
Ira M. Schnall
Conflicting Attitudes,Moral Agency, and Conceptions of the Self
Angela M. Smith
Toward an Axiological Defense of Libertarianism
Daniel Speak
Free Agents
Galen Strawson
Libertarianism and Skepticism about Free Will: Some Arguments against Both
Manuel Vargas
Free Will Demystified: A Dispositional Account
Kadri Vihvelin
Constructing Normativity
R. Jay Wallace
Neurophilosophy of Moral Responsibility: The Case for Revisionist Compatibilism
Henrik Walter
Trying, Intending, and Attempted Crimes
Gideon Yaffe