Originally published in 1969. Rumania faced the problem, shared by other independently minded communist states in the era of the Soviet bloc, of pursuing independent policies in foreign and intra-bloc relations and in its domestic affairs without provoking the Soviet Union to a military reaction. The efforts of the Rumanian leadership in this direction were aided by the fact that there was no politically relevant pro-Moscow elite that could take over if Ceausescu and his followers were deposed by force. Writing his study during the communist period, Professor Fischer-Galati concludes that the future of Rumanian integration into the communist party-state system hinges on the resolution of differences with the Soviet Union and that no meaningful reconciliation appears likely while the present Rumanian and Russian elites remain in power. The author believes, however, that the Rumanians will continue to pursue their independent course—one that could stimulate greater popular support and participation in the country's affairs, although it may not lead to a realization of Ceausescu's social nationalist goals.