Laura Blakeslee is a promising law student from Oxford. When she picks up a part-time job working for the Manley brothers, she thinks Henri, Robert and William are no more than a quaint bunch of bachelors. Yet why should their offices have such a grand staircase that leads only to a STRICTLY PRIVATE notice? If it's "just for storage" why should it be "a no-go area most definitely"? Why is the largest room in their offices left unused like a dust-laden time capsule? Is this connected with "Robert's boys" coming in to care for the beautiful, but hidden, back garden? For all the Manley brothers have secrets, but little does Laura know that their father has the deepest secret of all. Unwittingly she has stumbled upon a trail that will lead to a mysterious island in Bermuda, a ghost story, a love story and the woman whose bracelet she wears.