Yeats - An Annual of Critical and Textual Studies, Volume XII, 1994
This latest volume of Yeats continues the tradition of excellence with nine new critical essays and a host of book reviews. Highlights include "Yeats at Fifty," a recent essay by A. Walton Litz; a consideration of the art in the Cuala Press Broadsides by Elizabeth Bergmann Loizeaux; and a discussion of the textual and interpretive history of The Green Helmet and Other Poems by David Holdeman. Other contributors include Brian Arkins on style in Yeats's poetry, David Clark on "Her Vision in a Wood," Peter Denman on Ferguson and Yeats, Shelley Sharp on Yeats's theater, and Janis E. Tedesco on the sexual dynamic of A Vision. Rounding out the volume are the annual bibliography of Yeats's scholarship by K. P. S. Jochum and a compilation of dissertation abstracts.