Aspect-oriented Software Development (AOSD) is receiving considerableattention in the software engineering and programming language communities.Since 1997, there have been several successful workshops on AOSD at theleading software engineering conferences. Many have felt that AOSD may havebeen ahead of its time, but the practicality and promise of this paradigm iscatching up with the theory. This new book offers the definitve look at AOSDfrom the movers and shakers behind this concept. Just as object-orientedprogramming was a radical departure from structured programming, AOSD isa departure from the OO concept. AOSD offers increased flexibility and abetter way to develop complex systems without sacrificing scalability, security,and other important concerns. In this book, readers will learn the state-of-theartbest practices in AOSD, and will be able to help their organizations savetime and money by developing complex software systems more efficiently.