Cognitive Decline - Strategies for Prevention examines the problems associated with our understanding of the ageing brain, whether or not such decline is inevitable and if there are practical steps which can be taken to prevent or minimise cognitive decline in late life. Preventive medical strategies have primarily targeted the top three causes of death in the developed world: heart disease, cancer and stroke. Less attention to date has been paid to cognitive decline and dementia, possible because the generally held view has been that little of nothing could be done to help them. Our knowledge has grown rapidly and it is becoming clear that preventative strategies are now viable. Cognitive Decline - Strategies for Prevention brings together a group of leading researchers to assess and make practical recommendations about the strategies currently available. The chapters assess how 'normal' cognitive ageing should be defined and what the genetic, medical, psychological and environmental factors are which can adversely affect optimal cognitive function in late life. It then examines how 'healthy living' strategies can be employed throughout life to prevent cognitive decline in later years and what are the research strategies which promise new approaches to prevention in the future.