You loved Would You Rather…? and asked for more. In the tradition of the Quick Questions line, More Would You Rather…? offers another 465 provocative questions that will get your students laughing, debating, and thinking (and they’ll learn a ton about each other in the process). Get ready for more fun as you ask: Would you rather…
Live without your thumb or your big toe?
Be famous or inspirational?
Flip burgers or deliver pizza? It’s amazing what can happen when you ask a silly question.
Most of the time, a student’s answer has a story behind it. Explore the answers as you learn about students’ values, fears, and faith. And the book’s convenient size makes it easy to stick in your pocket, your backpack, or your car’s glove compartment. Whether you’re a veteran youth worker or new to the field, a paid professional or a volunteer, you’ll find More Would You Rather…? to be an indispensable part of your ministry resource library.