There are approximately 10,000 combined sewer overflow (CSO) locations in the United States. During peak storm events they can release about 1.2 trillion gallons of waste and up to 95% of a municipality's raw sewage into surface waters. Although many cities have initiated programs, the CSO problem remains largely unsolved and continues to be a major area of responsibility for environmental professionals, engineers, and public works officials.
Sponsored by the EPA, written by internationally recognized experts, and subjected to extensive peer review, Management of Combined Sewer Overflows provides the latest information on the subject from analysis of contaminants to long-term CSO control plans. Coverage includes:
CSO analysis and characterization of contaminants
Analysis and characterization of receiving-water impacts
Methods of control such as storage, treatment, disinfection, and systems optimization
Regulations and compliance
Systems retrofits and upgrades
Long-term CSO control plans
Research and design needs
Abatement or prevention of pollution stormwater runoff and CSOs is one of the most challenging areas in the environmental engineering field. The facts of life - from an engineering standpoint - are difficult to face in terms of design and cost. And operational problems can be just as foreboding. A reference for anyone combating urban wet-weather-induced water pollution, Management of Combined Sewer Overflows covers the gamut of engineering requirements, from pollution problem assessment and associated tools, to management and control planning and design.