Eight highly readable and innovative chapters about motivation, equipment, technique, mindframe, philosophy, artistic and media influences, camera models and brands, underwater housings, strobes, macrophotography, wide-angle images, portraits, topside dive interval photography and many, many other subjects.Illustrated with a spectacular selection of some of the Ferrari's best shots of a lifetime plus exceptional image contributions by some of the world's best professional and gifted amateur (this is a first!) underwater photographers - including Doug Perrine, Charles Hood, John Scarlett, Alex Mustard, Eric Cheng, Tony Wu, Stephen Wong, Takako Uno, Alberto Luca Recchi and many, many others.'A Divers Guide to the Art of Underwater Photography' strives to be completely different from other guides currently on the market, and features scores of spectacular images from some of the world's most influential professionals and also many extraordinarily gifted amateurs.Each photograph is extensively captioned illustrating technique, equipment used, location, creative choices and final results.