When people think about physical exercise, they imagine athletic competitions and sculpted bodies. More than simply a way to achieve the best performance or a beautiful shape, physical exercise can promote and reestablish health. Physical therapy is a specific area of the health sciences specialised in treating and recovering the human body impaired by illness, an accident or surgeries. In order to restore the human body's functionality, physical therapy has several different techniques and resources that include physical exercises as an important tool used in rehabilitation programs. Throughout this book, you will encounter different physical exercises used in physical therapy to evaluate and establish rehabilitation programs. These are aimed at revitalising the body's function in five different areas: cardiorespiratory, orthopedics, neurology, gynecology and gerontology. In the cardiorespiratory section, you will understand the importance of oxygen provision during postural challenges a dynamic exercises. In addition, this same section explains the beneficial effects of physical exercises for patients with coronary artery disease and how physical exercises are used for pulmonary rehabilitation. The orthopedics section has very important concepts about how physical exercises are used to treat patellofemoral pain, knee osteoarthritis and shoulder dysfunctions. The neurology section brings actual concepts about the use of gait training for neurological rehabilitation; it explains the importance of strength training applied to neurorehabilitation and how physical exercises can be used to treat children with cerebral palsy. The gerontology section demonstrates the importance of motivation and adherence to physical exercises by elderly adults and also their dropout. Finally, the gynecology section brings concepts and physical exercises to evaluate and rehabilitate the pelvic floor muscles. It also brings to light the effects of physical activity on these muscles in pregnant women. After reading this book, you will increase your knowledge about how physical exercise can assess, treat and promote health for the life of your patients and your own life.