The epiphany of a former drug enforcement agent, by JS. After 40 years in law enforcement and national security, my views on drug trafficking reflected those of my peers. However, Ferragut's research leads me to conclude that by any measure of effectiveness we care to apply the so called "war on drugs" has been, continues to be, and will end-up as an abysmal failure. Ferragut's arguments are devoid of partisanship or ideological bias. The main issues of illicit drug trafficking are well researched and end with an objective cost benefit analysis. The concluding chapter, The Solution Spectrum" identifies policy guidelines: Zero Tolerance, Consumption Tolerance, Laissez Faire Legalization, and Legalization and Control (decriminalization, regulation and control). The book provides the model of a compelling payback mechanism involving companies dealing in money laundering. This illustration justifies the cost of the book, which includes an excellent bibliography, and a comprehensive list of acronyms.