A medical school interview is an intense experience and now it is reproduced and captured on video to be used as a learning tool. This DVD was filmed live in HD on campus in front of a group of premedical students - most of whom were invited for medical school interviews. A volunteer is interviewed in front of the class and the entire interview is conducted as if it were the real thing. Ambiguous questions, ethical questions, pauses, interruptions and other elements are created by an experienced author and interviewer. After the interview, an analysis of each question and the mindset behind it is discussed in an open forum format. If you are not sure that you have the interviewing skills to be accepted to medical school, then this is a must-see video. One-on-one interviews, group or panel interviews and the multi-mini interview format (MMI) - all share certain principles regarding attire, attitude, strategy and content. Regardless of where you will interview, you will find the advice and techniques demonstrated in this video to be extremely relevant and helpful.
Please note that the standardized test that you must take for admissions to medical school is not relevant to the universal interview advice provided in this video. To see clips from the video, search "Medical School Interview Questions and Answers" on YouTube. This 2nd Edition DVD also comes with a new bonus: "Understanding MMI" with Dr. Ferdinand's insights and strategies for this increasingly popular format.