In The Spirit of Servant-Leadership editors Shann Ferch and Larry Spears present an elegant and powerful approach to the nature of the leader-follower dynamic, with a specific focus on many of the most radical, life-affirming, and transformative facets of the servant-leader. In essence, The Spirit of Servant-Leadership speaks to the soul of humanity by gathering a bright symphony of voices, including some of the current thought-leaders of contemporary leadership. Among the many voices in this volume, Peter Block questions the very nature of leadership and draws people to more deeply understand the subtlety, humility, and self-transcendence required to develop one another, individually and collectively. Larry C. Spears delves into the rich earth of holistic servant-leadership, and creates multidimensional growth and healing for the heart, mind, and spirit. Margaret Wheatley calls people to deeply consider the interior formation of leaders that create greater transparency, less command and control, and more willingness to be sincerely changed by others. James Autry unveils important truths about the process of insight involved in true servant-leadership, and Shann Ferch speaks to the nature of intimacy and the profound questions of forgiveness between people, cultures, and nations. Robert Greenleaf, former AT & T executive and the contemporary founder of servant-leadership said, “Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams.” The Spirit of Servant-Leadership affirms people in all the complexity and nuance of the human endeavor, and helps renew in readers the ability to dream great dreams.