Toronto can be seen as the seat of some of the finest editorial scholarship in the world. The city's editorial scholars and, indeed, those from across Canada, are recognised not only locally and nationally, but also internationally, and are engaged with texts originating both inside and outside Canada. Toronto Edits is a celebration of some of the city's best editorial projects, past, present, and future.Based on papers presented at the thirty-fourth Conference on Editorial Problems at the University of Toronto, Gillian Fenwick's collection demonstrates the enormous challenges of editing in modern times. Although what editors do now is fundamentally the same as it was half a century ago, accessible international travel and electronic resources have greatly influenced the handling and preparation of texts, even if computers often introduce their own set of editorial problems.While the contributors and their subjects are by no means confined to Toronto, the city provides a focus, a home, and a stimulus for their work.
They describe research far beyond the city, but the often unstated, underlying fact is that the editing and the preparation of the work for publication has taken place in Toronto where a tradition of editing has been nurtured.