This open access book is the second edition of Education in China and the World: Achievements and Contemporary Issues. It builds upon the commitment to provide a comprehensive analysis on education in China to a global audience. Focusing on seven education segments, from basic to post-secondary education, this edition draws on the latest literature, official data, and statistical resources to reflect the trends and development in Chinese education. Based on the groundwork built previously, this edition further explores the excellence index to assess Chinese education as compared to its international counterparts. It also provides updated influential case studies of educational practices and inspiring educators and renews a comprehensive literature review on current research and national policy, to support the development of a modern education system with Chinese characteristics and global standards.
The featured analysis in this edition highlights China’s significant growth in education attainment and research output, underscored by substantial government support. Concurrently, the analysis also reveals disparities in quality performance, particularly in educational resource allocation. It calls for further efforts to promote academic excellence and to address public educational needs comprehensively.
This book serves as a valuable resource for students, scholars, and policy makers in the field of education studies, as well as readers who are interested in Chinese education.