This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 2nd Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference(AWIC2004).TheconferencewasheldinthecityofCancun,Mexico, a setting that inspired lively discussions andre?ections onopen issues facing the ?eld of Web intelligence. TheAWICconferences havebeenmotivated by advancesinthe ?eld ofart- cialintelligenceandthechallengesfacingtheirapplicationtoWeb-basedsystems. With this second edition, AWIC provided a forum for specialists from di?erent disciplines of computer science to exchange their experiences and ideas in this growing ?eld of research. The selection of papers followed a strict, double-blind refereeing process by a renowned international committee. We received 57 contributions, with ?rst authors from 15 di?erent countries, from which 22 papers were selected to be presented and published in this proceedings volume. We thank all members of the Program Committee for their valuable reviews of the papers. In addition, we were pleased to have as invited speakers Dr. Prabhakar Raghavan, Chief Scientist and Vice President of Emerging Technologies in Verity, Inc. and Consulting Professor of Computer Science at Stanford Univ- sity, and Prof. C.
Lee Giles, Davide Reese Professorof the School of Information Sciences and Technology at The Pennsylvania State University. Abstracts of their lectures are included in these proceedings. In putting together this conference, we had the pleasure of working with an outstanding group of people. We thank them all for their hard work on behalf of this conference. In particular we would like to thank Manuel Montes y Gomez, ' Director of the Mexico Research Centre of the Web Intelligence Consortium, Elisa Moran, Marcela Rodr' ?guez, and Jorge Niebla.