Unraveling the Complexities of Metastasis: Transition from a Segmented View to a Conceptual Continuum provides a critical overview of the recent developments of metastasis research and how progress can be further enhanced in the field. Metastasis is a highly complicated mechanism and prognostic analysis of different metastatic patterns in advanced cancer patients is becoming increasingly problematic. It is therefore essential to take a step back and focus on the underlying mechanisms of metastasis before moving ahead for effective translation of laboratory findings to clinically effective therapeutics. This book is surely helpful in putting together missing pieces of an incomplete jig-saw puzzle of molecular cancer.
The book discusses topics such as the role of TRAIL-mediated signaling, late metastasis and mechanisms underlying tumor cell dormancy, CTCs and exomes, non-coding way of metastasis, and stem cells. Additionally, it brings relevant and updated information on nanotechnology-based docetaxel and the peculiarities of cancer cell metabolism.
This book is a valuable source for cancer researchers, medical doctors and several members of biomedical field who need to understand better the complex mechanism of metastasis.