A leading expert in CAGD, Gerald Farin covers the representation, manipulation, and evaluation of geometric shapes in this the Third Edition of Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design. The book offers an introduction to the field that emphasizes Bernstein-Bezier methods and presents subjects in an informal, readable style, making this an ideal text for an introductory course at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level.The Third Edition includes a new chapter on Topology, offers new exercises and sections within most chapters, combines the material on Geometric Continuity into one chapter, and updates existing materials and references. Implementation techniques are addressed for practitioners by the inclusion of new C programs for many of the fundamental algorithms. The C programs are available on a disk included with the text. System Requirements:IBM PC or compatibles, DOS version 2.0 or higher.
* * Covers representation, manipulation, and evaluation of geometric shapes* Emphasizes Bernstein-Bezier methods* Written in an informal, easy-to-read style