This comprehensive guide to reinforced concrete structures has been fully revised to cover 2014 updates to the ACI 318 Structural Concrete codeReinforced Concrete Structures: Analysis and Design, Second Edition offers clear explanations of the underlying principles behind reinforced concrete design and provides easy-to-follow analysis, design, and construction techniques. This edition has been thoroughly updated to conform to the new ACI 2014 Building Code.This authoritative resource discusses reinforced concrete members and provides techniques for sizing the cross section, calculating the required amount of reinforcement, and detailing the reinforcement. Brand-new information is included on earthquake design and detailing. Easy-to-follow design procedures and illuminating flowcharts guide you through complex code requirements.• Concisely explains every provision in the 2014 ACI 318 Structural Concrete code• Features a new chapter on design and detailing for earthquake effects• Solved problems and real-world examples demonstrate each provision’s proper application• Author has written numerous technical publications on the design of reinforced concrete and load determination