Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Concise, visual explanations of code provisions that apply to rain, snow, and ice loadsThis practical guide provides engineers with a visual overview of the code provisions pertinent to rain, snow, and ice loads.
Rain, Snow, and Ice Loads: Time-Saving Methods Using the 2018 IBC and ASCE/SEI 7-16 contains simplified, step-by-step procedures that can be applied to determine each load. Included are design aids, figures, flowcharts, and examples that clearly demonstrate each procedure. Companion online Excel spreadsheets can be used in practice to calculate loads accurately and efficiently.
Contains step-by-step procedures for:
- Design rain loads
- Ponding instability and ponding loads
- Flat roof snow loads
- Sloped roof snow loads
- Partial snow loads
- Unbalanced roof snow loads
- Drift loads on lower roofs and adjacent structures
- Drift loads adjacent to roof projections and parapets
- Sliding snow loads
- Rain-on-snow surcharge loads
- Snow loads on open-frame equipment structures
- Ice loads due to freezing rain