Moonfleet tells of the adventures of an orphan boy named John Trenchard. On a cold, dark night in the village of Moonfleet, he hears a tale of cursed treasure. As John and his friend Elzevir search for the treasure they become involved in another Moonfleet secretsmuggling. Will their adventures bring them fortune or lead them into danger?
Exciting and powerful classic stories to enrich and extend your children's reading experiences. TreeTops Classics are carefully adapted versions of must-read stories which introduce your readers to significant authors, powerful plots and characters that have stood the test of time. These abridged versions of classics have been sensitively adapted by top children's authors to ensure that language and content is appropriate, but remain faithful to the original. These enchanting stories will appeal to all your junior readers and introduce them to a rich literary heritage. Each book includes author biographies and notes to help with historical and social context and any challenging vocabulary, ensuring the books are easily accessible.
Books contain inside cover notes to support children in their reading. Help with children's reading development also available at
The books are finely levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book.
Illustrated by: Mark Oldroyd