Every Tuesday evening, an eclectic group of students meet for their weekly cooking class. "The Cooks" takes us on a journey into the private lives of these unique, but strangely familiar characters, providing us a front row seat inside each of their minds. we're able to see how they think, how they make decisions, and how they deal with the intricacies of relationships. We also see how they handle issues like sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. as well as other important subjects. like love, philandering, marriage, dating, sexuality, gambling, anxiety, alcohol, breasts, aging, parents, leadership, and bowling. And in the end, whether it's the Fashion Designer, the Musician, the Real Estate Broker, the Magazine Editor, the Accountant, the Party Planner, the Actress, or the Internet Porn King, you just might find that we all have a little bit of "The Cooks" inside us.