Fatal accidents present the lawyer with a set of problems distinct from those of non-fatal personal injury claims. In particular, who does the law categorise as a dependant and how do you calculate the claim for dependency? The APIL Guide to Fatal Accidents, now in its third edition, provides practical advice on how to run a case involving a fatal accident and how to secure maximum awards for the family, friends and estate of the deceased. The third edition has been extensively revised and updated as follows: * New chapter on pre-action conduct * New chapter on damages in anticipation of death * Ogden 7 * A new section on fatal accidents and same sex relationships * A revised chapter on Coroners Inquests following the implementation of the Coroners (Investigations) Regulations 2013 and the Coroners (Inquests) Rules 2013 Useful practical materials such as client questionnaires, draft pleadings and schedules of damages complement the text. In addition the relevant statutory materials and the 7th edition of the Ogden Tables are reproduced for ease of reference.