The second edition of Cancer and the Heart was inspired by the rapid pace of advancement in the field and the continued need for integration of information about the complex interactions of multiple disease states in patients. Much new information is included in this edition, and the introduction of new agents approved for the care of patients with cancer has increased the interest in the discipline of cardiotoxicity. The book begins with the basic science behind the medical applications of the knowledge: cardiovascular biology, pathways, and their relationship to cancer treatment and principles of chemotherapy and immunotherapy.The second section consists of an overview and classification of anti-cancer drugs and a look at their cardiotoxicity. The third section looks at cardiac imaging in the cancer patient, including cardiac ultrasound, Doppler imaging, nuclear imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography in the cancer patient. In section four, management of cardiac disease in the cancer patient is discussed, including cardiac rhythm disturbances and heart failure. Cardiac emergencies and interventions are described as is preoperative assessment of the cancer patient for non-cardiovascular surgery. The final section includes a range of topics such as the pericardium, cardiovascular effects of endocrine treatments, primary cardiac tumors and malignancies of the myocardium and pericardium. Cardiac monitoring during clinical trials and pulmonary concerns are also addressed, as are psychosocial, social and economic issues of the cancer patient with heart disease.