This book is the first to describe a very successful objective unified field theory which emerged in 2003 and which is already mainstream physics - Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) field theory. The latter completes the well known work of Einstein and Cartan, who from 1925 to 1955 sought to unify field theory in physics with the principles of general relativity. These principles are based on the need for objectivity in natural philosophy, were first suggested by Francis Bacon in the sixteenth century and developed into general relativity in about 1915. In this year, using Riemann geometry, Einstein and Hilbert independently arrived at an objective field equation for gravitation. Since then there have been many attempts to unify the 1915 gravitational theory with the other three fundamental fields: electromagnetism, the weak and strong fields.
In this fifth volume the Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) theory is developed in several new directions, notably the replacement of gauge theory with a geometrical principle based on the invariance of the tetrad postulate, development of radiative correction theory, of basic differential geometry and the development of a theory of electrodynamics which uses space-time torsion as a central feature. The volume culminates with a precise demonstration using computer algebra of the fact that the Einstein field equation must be regarded as obsolete because of its neglect of torsion. Correctly re-instating torsion is a main theme of these volumes, a them which leads to a satisfactory unified field theory, a goal of physics for a hundred years.