Thinking of relocating or expanding your business to another city?Are you starting a new business? Let Ernst & Young, thenation's leading business and financial consulting firm, help youfind the location that best serves your company's needs, The ernst& Young Almanac and Guide to U.S. Business Cities Theauthoritative reference that profiles 65 places to do business inthe United States and helps answer your questions about Labor ForceIssues--How extensive is the available pool of workers? What arethe prevailing wages and benefits? What is the level of salaryinflation? Is the 18- to 44-year-old population stable, growing, ordeclining? Education Issues--What percentage of students graduatefrom high school? Go on to higher education? How good are thearea's colleges and universities? What kind of vocational trainingis available? How current is the technology used? Is the businesscommunity actively involved in school issues? Have apprenticeshipprograms been established? Business Climate, Housing & Qualityof Life Issues--Is the community reaching out to welcome newbusinesses? How does its regulatory environment compare with otherareas? Where will workers live? How long is the average commute?What types of recreational facilities and activities does thecommunity offer? What is the air quality and level of trafficcongestion? How much crime is there? Costs--What are the occupancycosts for rental space for an office? A warehouse? What are theconstruction costs? Commercial and industrial electric costs? Whatare the state, city, and property tax rates? America's business ison the move. Let The Ernst & Young Almanac and Guide to U.S.Business Cities help you make your move.