How many people believe in God? How often do Australians go to church? How many people think that species emerge from the process of natural selection by survival of the fittest? This volume concerns a range of moral issues and worldviews, focussing on two worldviews that are fundamentally important in Australia at the dawn of the 21st century: Christian belief and the scientific worldview. This is a great starting point for discussions on todayaEURO (TM)s hottest ethical issues. The book presents a dispassionate, balanced presentation of excellent public opinion data spanning the range of views in Australia today. Classes on contemporary Australian society, and classes on values and ethics will both discover a wealth of material in this book on topics ranging from homosexuality to abortion to genetic modification to foreign aid to national identity. It describes these community bioethics and examines the worldviews and moral reasoning processes that Australians use to arrive at their ethical judgments. Accessible graphical presentations of results are underpinned by state of the art statistical analyses. International, comparative data are also presented on many issues.