The Glasgow style of decorative arts evolved in the 1890s at the Glasgow School of Art, from influences begun by the Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movments in Great Britain. It was characterized by the juxtaposition of elongated verticals and sensuous bright, light, feminine designs, such as the rose, butterfly, peacock, singing birds, circles, crescents, and teardrop shapes. The text explains the meanings of each motif. Biographies of 20 influential artists in the Glasgow style include Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Herbert McNair, Margaret Macdonald, and Frances Macdonald, Their broad spectrum of designs, shown here in over 530 beautiful color photographs, covered walls, furniture, metalwork, jewelry, embroidery, textiles, dress, pottery, stained glass, and book illustration. Their goal was to support themselves by creating useful decorative arts that presented their new aesthetic. Today, Glasgow style decorative arts are avidly collected and cherished for their originality and handsome docor.