The apostle Peter was many things to many people: a humble fisherman, a moving orator, a serious theologian, a candid writer, a fearful traitor. No other personality in the Bible exhibits so much faith and doubt, courage and fear, love and impulsiveness. Peter provides an excellent model for how a life can be shaped, from imperfect sinner to man of God. Popular pastor and best-selling author Erwin W. Lutzer explores Peter's life to demonstrate how God works through sinful people, using trials, challenges, and the unseen battles of the heart to chisel and fashion Christians into Christ's likeness. As readers glimpse how Christ changed Peter from fisherman to apostle, they will learn how the Savior:
-motivates changes in our character
-encourages and develops our faith
-teaches important lessons through past mistakes
Chiseled by the Master's Hand will challenge, encourage, and strengthen readers in their walk with Christ, as they come to understand that the Divine Sculptor who molded Peter into a rock can mold them too.