Maresha Excavations Final Report: v. II - Hellenistic Terracotta Figurines from the 1989-1996 Seasons
This volume, dedicated to the Hellenistic terracotta from Maresha, is the second in a series of final reports on the Israel Antiquities Authority excavations at Maresha, directed by Prof. Amos Kloner. These large-scale excavations, held during the years 1989-2000, were conducted mainly in the Lower City of Maresha. Excavations of the surface areas and some of the subterranean complexes were undertaken mainly in the years 1989-1994, while the excavations from 1995 to 2000 concentrated mainly on some of the subterranean complexes. A few of the finds included in this volume were found in our surveys and earlier excavations during the 1980s, especially 1986 and 1987. As the excavations continued in several subterranean complexes between 2001 and 2008, we have included a few later finds as well.