She curses, she smokes, she breast-feeds and she blows away the competition.
Just when you think Garth Ennis has gone too far, just when you thought it was
safe to walk the streets, just when you thought no one would go near the idea of
the world's first superhero comes The Pro!
Reintroducing the outrageous story of The Pro in a deluxe oversized
hardcover edition, plus an all-new, eight-page story by Garth Ennis, Amanda
Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti! In "The Pro Meets The Ho," our plucky heroine comes
up against a new and fearsome challenge: a super-powered "soiled dove" whose
powers of perversion exceed the Pro's own! Find out who triumphs in this tussle
of the tarts, as The Pro's creative team returns to the sticky-floored success
that made them otherwise unemployable! You'll never go to the zoo again!
Visual artist(s): Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti