William Shakespeare must have had a premonition of Guy Endore-Kaiser and Rodd Perry's comic strip when he said "Brevity is the soul of wit." With its sly sense of humor and ingeniously understated art, "Brevity" is not your normal comics fare. It features an eclectic cast of characters such as sporks, nerds, animals, or people in unusual yet relatable situations. Like the comics featured in them, this calendar is sharply intelligent, amusingly idiosyncratic, and uproariously funny.
* "Brevity is a welcome breath of fresh air . . . really funny stuff." -- Larry King
* ""Brevity" marks the return of something long missing from the funny pages: a strip that is actually funny." --Michael Price, coexecutive producer for "The Simpsons"
This calendar features a hilarious, full-color "Brevity" cartoon panel each day.