This book broadens the scope of teaching and assessment strategies critical for addressing a wide range of abilities of children in Pre-K to Grade 3. This edition provides teachers with research-based, practical teaching and assessment strategies to support the reading development of all children in their classrooms. The book has a Question & Answer approach. Chapters 1-7 begin with a series of questions a in-service or pre-service teacher might ask. These questions are answered with research and expert opinion to help establish the importance of the major areas presented in the chapters.Unique Features:
"Differentiating Reading Instruction" helps teachers to implement ideas into daily classroom instruction.
Special emphasis on vocabulary, information text and strategic reading.
Expanded teaching strategies for core area reading.
Strategies, activities, and assessments. A series of teaching strategies and activities are provided for each of the major area. Assessment and teaching strategies are linked within the chapters.
"Tips for English Language Learners" offers ideas throughout every chapter.
Content Area Examples
"Home School Connections" are 20 prepared letters in English and Spanish to link and reinforce important skills and strategies you teach at school with home.
Includes a CD with each book that features:
Bonus Chapter for Writing and Spelling
Over 120 reproducible pages in PDF format. Including: Activity Record Sheets, Activity Pages, Home-School Connections Letters.