Numerical Reasoning tests are becoming increasingly common in 11 plus and common entrance exams. This series of multiple choice format tests is representative of the short numerical reasoning section of contemporary multi-discipline 11+ tests, which typically have two papers such as those set by CEM (Durham University). One paper usually contains short, quick fire questions more akin to traditional maths, and the other has a section of longer worded numerical reasoning problems. As with Book 1 this further selection addresses the former. The suggested time for each paper is provided based on conventional classroom testing sessions. Students requiring publications that address the longer, multi-part worded Numerical Reasoning questions packaged as mini-tests will benefit from the 11+ Essentials Numerical Reasoning Multipart Books which are published in multiple choice and standard format with unique questions. This series of mini-tests is representative of the numerical reasoning section of contemporary multi-discipline 11 plus exams that typically cover several subjects such as verbal and non-verbal reasoning, comprehensions and numerical reasoning.
All 11+ Essentials are suitable practice for independent schools and new style 11 plus exams. Extensively road-tested by ElevenPlusExams, these tests are best used as real exam practice to benchmark your child s performance. The on-line service helps identify areas for improvement and, crucially, gauge peer comparison anonymously. They are perfect for use both in the classroom and at home.