With welfare to work programmes under intense scrutiny, this book reviews a wide range of existing and future policies across Europe.
Seventeen contributors provide case studies and legal, sociological and philosophical perspectives from around the continent, building a rich picture of welfare to work policies and their impact. They show how many schemes do not adequately address social rights and lived experiences, and consider alternatives based on theories of non-domination.
For anyone interested in the justice of welfare to work, this book is an important step along the path towards more fair and adequate legislation.
Contributions by: Stuart White, Simon Birnbaum, Peter Dwyer, Niklas Andersen, Sophie Danneris Luthman, Mathias Nielsen, Luca Perrig, Jean-Michel Bonvin, Christian Schøler, Neville Harris, Kurt Pärli, Melanie Studer, Elise Dermine, Amir Paz-Fuchs