Issues of poverty and social exclusion are high on the European policy agenda. The Dynamics of Social Exclusion in Europe reports findings from a study funded by the European Commission, using data from the European Community Household Panel, with a multi-dimensional approach to international comparisons of poverty and social exclusion. The research, building upon that of the preceding book - Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe - compares four groups who are anticipated to be at particular risk of poverty and social exclusion; young adults, lone parents, the sick or disabled, and those retired from employment. Following individuals over a twelve month period, the analysis explores a wide range of indicators of poverty and social exclusion. These include low incomes, lack of household amenities, personal necessities and consumer durables, and the extent of social contact with friends, neighbours and membership of clubs or organisations. The contributors not only provide country-based data, locating empirical findings in the context of national policy, but also cross-national data, with implications for supranational policy.
Promoting a thorough understanding of policy trends and issues, this book will be invaluable to policy makers within individual countries and at EU level, as well as academics, students and researchers specialising in social exclusion.