The nine essays in Asian North American Identities explore how AsianNorth Americans are no longer caught between worlds of the old and the new, the eastand the west, and the south and the north. Moving beyond national and diasporicmodels of ethnic identity to focus on the individual feelings and experiences ofthose who are not part of a dominant white majority, the essays collected here drawfrom a wide range of sources, including novels, art, photography, poetry, cinema, theatre, and popular culture. The book illustrates how Asian North Americans aredeveloping new ways of seeing and thinking about themselves by eluding imposedidentities and creating spaces that offer alternative sites from which to speak andimagine.
Contributors are Jeanne Yu-Mei Chiu, Patricia Chu, RocioG. Davis, Donald C. Goellnicht, Karlyn Koh, Josephine Lee, Leilani Nishime, CarolineRody, Jeffrey J. Santa Ana, Malini Johar Schueller, and Eleanor Ty.