This Research Guide to Instruments of European Regional Organizations is the product of years of teaching experience in methodology of law in the capital of Europe, namely at the Law Faculty of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The research guide focuses on how to find and use instruments of European regional organizations. It is mainly intended to be a practical instrument for students of an advanced level, lawyers and public servants who work in the field of European law. In a practical way, this book offers a detailed description on how to do research in sources of European law in the most efficient way. The different sources of European law are examined. The research guide gives an answer to a variety of questions one may be confronted with when dealing with European law. What are these sources? Where can I find them? And once I have found them, how do I read them? The main focus lies on the wide range of electronic databases on European law, although reference is also made to the traditional way of finding sources.
The use of screenshots and clear examples make this book a very practical instrument so that every person who deals with European law on a permanent or occasional basis will value it as an extremely useful tool.