Offers managers, consultants, and employees alike a practicalstarter kit that reveals how to identify, manage, and gain valuefrom the below-the surface activities in an organization. Drawingon his worldwide consulting, teaching, and research experience,Gerard Egan shows how to create opportunity and competitiveadvantage by learning how to manage shadow-side realities. Heidentifies five interactive categories of behavior that affect bothproductivity and quality of work life in today'sorganizations--covert culture, the idiosyncrasies of individuals,the interactions of the organization's social system, institutionalpolitics, and the hidden organization--and details specific skillsand strategies for mining economic value from each one.
Harness the covert aspects of your organization -- covert culture,individual idiosyncrasies, institutional politics -- forcompetitive advantage. World-renown consultant, teacher andresearcher Gerard Egan identifies five shadow side work behaviors,and details specifics for mining the economic value of each.